Have questions?

Good, I have (some) answers.
What the heck is branding?

OK, in the vast pool of definitions of branding I love this one: branding is for a company what reputation is for a person. It’s how a company shows off its personality and makes you feel a certain way about them. Think of it like their unique style, the colours they use, the words they choose, and even the vibe they give off on social media. It’s like their signature stamp that says, “Hey, this is who we are, and we’re awesome!” So, in a nutshell, branding is all about making sure you remember a company and feel good about them, just like you remember that awesome party where everyone had a blast!

How much is it?

It depends (everyone’s least favourite answer). But it’s the only truthful one. We have a personalised approach to every client and combine services in a way which brings the best value to a client. Think of it as making a cake. It can be a simple, traditional one containing flour, sugar, oil and eggs, or it can be dairy-free with frozen berries and cashews. So, the price of branding depends on how much extra charm and appeal you want to give your company’s cake to make it truly special!

Who will I work with?

Depending on the help you need, you’ll work with a brand development consultant, graphic designer, UX/UI designer, copywriter, developer, photographer, videographer… After getting to know each other and setting up goals, we jointly define the services you’ll need.

Can it be done yesterday?

No, it can’t. We work hard, but we also respect each other. We are efficient, but nobody should risk a burnout.

How much does website design cost?

How much does a cake cost? The cost of a website design varies greatly by the size of the website, required functionality, integrations, and level of customization.

Do I own the rights to my project?

Absolutely!  You own the rights to the final produced material. We retain the right to publicly share your project in our portfolio unless you note otherwise.

What if I have my own ideas, am I able to contribute?

Absolutely! We believe that more barons are better than one and nobody knows your business better than you. We encourage our clients to be as involved as they want to be and we will take your vision into consideration as we create.