Hi and welcome!

Well, hello there! Whether you have stumbled upon this website or came here intentionally, WELCOME. As I am the host (OK, the actual host is a server), I thought it would be appropriate to introduce myself.
So, I am Marijana, a not-your-typical-girl-next-door who happens to be a brand consultant, copywriter and content creator. Creative thinker. Doer. A devoted and reliable partner. A loving friend. A loud supporter of great people and ideas. Mountain lover. Passionate problem-solver. Baker (my chocolate olive oil cake recipe has become a dessert staple in many Sarajevo homes). Yoga teacher. Sustainable living advocate. An open-minded individual enjoying diversity. And yes, a founder and a CEO, brand consultant, communication expert, copywriter, product owner or whatever work I get myself into.
Plain and simple. 14 years of work and thirty something of life experience later, my goal is to stay curious. To always be kind, courageous and a bit rebellious and make a difference with my words and actions that will make my clients’ brands stand out. To tell stories that will make their clients feel something. Give a damn. Become loyal customers.
My real job is to listen, have informed opinions and bring a strong point of view, one that I will stand behind and build from. My real job, regardless of what I am working on, is to try to solve problems my clients have. Solving their problems in a timely and quality manner will consequently help me scale my business and employ talented and hard-working individuals who’ll help me solve even more problems for even more clients.
I think it is a lot easier and safer to sit back and wait for someone to tell you what to do, but I always have more fun and luck in my work when I take or find problems. I don’t always succeed in solving all of them, but that’s part of it. I do always give my best though.
I will be reflecting on my entrepreneurial journey (the highs and the lows), capturing moments on my travels and reflecting on them, sharing thoughts on the creative industry and who knows what else (have a feeling some recipes will pop up in here too). Stop by every now and then, or follow me on Instagram for updates and links.
OK, that’s it for now. Coffee’s brewing and a client meeting is a few minutes away.
But, don’t be a stranger. Get in touch via email, Instagram, Linkedin or send me a voice message on +387 65 428 944. A letter is an option too. Will reply ASAP.